Home Health 15 Natural Home Remedies for Folliculitis Cure – Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

15 Natural Home Remedies for Folliculitis Cure – Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

Home Remedies for Folliculitis Cure

Not everyone is lucky enough to have soft, glowing blemish free and healthy skin. Blame it on pollution or the excessive use of cosmetics, but skin disorders, acne, pimples, hair ingrowths and other abnormalities are a common problem that everyone deals with. Folliculitis is one such common medical condition in which a person suffers from small red pus-filled bumps that sprout along the length of the body overnight, usually after a cut or a waxing appointment. These bumps hurt like hell and often look like pimples, only they are a lot more dangerous. Lesions of folliculitis usually appear around the face, scalp, chest, buttocks, back, thighs and genitals. Basically, any part of the body that has hair is susceptible to the infection.

Hair follicles are small cavities from which the hairs grow. Skin injury, cuts, burns, shaving, and tight clothes damage the hair follicles causing rashes and bumps. Razor bumps, hair ingrowths, hot tub rash, and barber’s itch are all the various types of folliculitis that can affect all parts of the body except the eyes, palms, and sole of the feet. Bacterial infection, fungal growth, viruses or any kind of physical trauma to the follicle contribute to folliculitis.

Although harmless, the infection can affect almost anyone irrespective of their age or gender. People with weak immunity or chronic diseases are more prone to the infection. Folliculitis is not contagious but can spread and turn to incurable crusty sores if left unchecked for long. Simple household cures or over-the-counter anti-bacterial creams take care of the mild cases. However, if the infection is serious, you should consult a skin specialist or dermatologist immediately. Mentioned below are some of the best home remedies for getting rid of folliculitis that you can try out:

The skin disorder can affect both human beings and animals, some common types of folliculitis are:

  • Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, which is usually associated with HIV
  • Folliculitis decalvans
  • Pseudo folliculitis barbae
  • Herpetic folliculitis
  • Gram-negative folliculitis
  • Pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy
  • Staph folliculitis or staphylococcal
  • Hot tub folliculitis or Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis
  • Fungal or Pityrosporum Folliculitis

Read on to find out more about the causes and symptoms of folliculitis, and learn about the various home remedies that will help you get rid of folliculitis naturally, effectively, and quickly.

What causes folliculitis?

Folliculitis is generally linked to a kind of bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, or staph. However, fungal infections, virus attacks, and weak immunity can all contribute to the skin abnormality. The disease, though not contagious can be transmitted from one person to another in case of skin contact, sharing razors or using the same bathtub.

Different types of folliculitis might have different causes. Some of the causes for folliculitis on skin and scalp are:

  • Skin Lesions
  • Head Shaving
  • Presence of bacteria
  • Demodex mites
  • Malassezia yeasts
  • Clogged skin
  • Reduced perspiration
  • Increased and prolonged use of antibiotics
  • Excessive use of steroids and other chemical creams
  • Irritation in skin caused due to tight clothing
  • Excessive shaving
  • Weak immunity system
  • Obesity
  • Pollution
  • Wearing tight-fitting clothes that rub the skin
  • Tightly braided hair
  • Hair ingrowths that develop after waxing or shaving body hair
  • Body oil, lotions, and sweat that clog skin pores
  • Injuries, skin cuts and insect bites
  • Covering the skin with non-breathable items like plastic or tape
  • Existing skin conditions like dermatitis or acne problems
  • Chronic diseases, diabetes, hepatitis
  • Weak immunity system due to HIV or cancer


Folliculitis, in the initial stages, looks seemingly harmless rashes on a small patch of skin. Over time these rashes develop into tiny red and painful bumps with white pus-filled tips. These pimple-like sores, if left unchecked for long spread over to the neighboring follicles, harden and progress into crusty sores. Caused mostly by bacterial infections, cuts, or chemicals, the condition requires special treatment and a lot of care. Differentiating between these causes and identifying the symptoms of folliculitis is very important if you want to get rid of them permanently.

How do you know when you have fallen victim to folliculitis? Some indicators of folliculitis are given below:

  • Presence of red bumps on skin
  • Presence of red marks on scalp
  • Burning sensation
  • Itching on skin
  • Tiny pimples on facial skin
  • Mild pain
  • Swollen skin
  • Cluster of red bumps and white-headed pimples
  • Pus-filled blisters around hair follicles that break open
  • Tenderness, pain, swelling, and itchiness
  • Burning sensation, rashes and mild fever

Home Remedies for Folliculitis Cure

The diagnosis of folliculitis is based upon a number of factors such as skin type, severity, and cause of the condition. Folliculitis may be acute or chronic, depending on how widespread and serious the rashes are. If you notice a couple of red bumps or small patches of skin turning red then you don’t have much to worry about. Such simple cases can be easily cured with anti-bacterial creams and medically tested lotions. However, these creams and medications are often expensive and not easily available. In such a scenario you can turn to making your own remedies from the everyday items of the kitchen. Discussed below are some effective and inexpensive home remedies to get rid of folliculitis that you can try without cutting a hole in your pocket.

Given below are some methods to help you cure folliculitis by following simple and effective home treatments.

Coconut oil

Considered by all as a healthy and fast acting home remedy for getting rid of folliculitis, coconut oil contains compounds that prove healthy for the human skin. The two kinds of acid present in coconut oil – capric acid and lauric acid help protect the skin, because of their antibacterial properties. Simply put some coconut oil on the infected area and let it rest. Repeat the procedure every day for maximum benefits.

Neem (oil and leaves)

Neem contains antifungal as well as antiseptic healing properties. Ayurvedic medicine considers application of neem oil on skin during folliculitis a highly effective remedy. Rubbing neem leaves on swollen skin helps relieve pain. Apply neem oil to the infected region twice or thrice during the day to get rid of folliculitis naturally.


Considered one of the best home remedy containing antibacterial properties. The Vitamin C present in garlic helps reduce inflammation considerably. Consuming four garlics every day or taking garlic capsules and a glass of garlic juice will help you cure folliculitis and boost the immunity levels in your body.

Aloe Vera

Helps reduce burning and itching that is a major consequence of folliculitis. Extract aloe vera juice and apply on your skin (on the infected area with swelling, pimples and red bumps) for 15 minutes every day for maximum benefits. This is one of the best home remedies for getting rid of folliculitis.


Both apple cider vinegar and white vinegar help to reduce rashes caused due to folliculitis. Follow the given steps for best effects:

  • Mix some white vinegar with apple cider vinegar
  • Add the solution to a bowl of warm water
  • Soak a piece of clean cloth in the solution
  • Use this cloth as a compress over infected skin
  • Gently apply pressure for a few minutes (5 – 10 minutes)
  • Irritation and swelling will reduce considerably
  • This method also helps to eliminate the possibilities of scars that might be caused due to folliculitis.


The cooling effect of turmeric is considered one of the best home remedies for getting rid of folliculitis and the irritation and swelling in the skin that is caused due to it. For best effects, follow the given steps:

  • Take one glass of water
  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric
  • Allow it to dissolve
  • Consume and repeat multiple times in the course of one day
  • Another method is to dissolve turmeric in milk

The anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin present in turmeric cures other skin diseases as well.

Witch hazel

Helps reduce pain and itching in the body and skin that is caused due to folliculitis. Use unscented and alcohol free witch hazel for best effects.

  • Simply apply some witch hazel on a cotton ball.
  • Apply this cotton ball on the infected areas on your skin and dab for a few minutes.
  • Use with precaution.

Oregano oil

Carvacrol, terpernes and thymol present in oregzno oil contains antiseptic properties. For best effects, mix oregano oil with other carrier oils such as grapeseed oil, sweet almond, and jojoba. Do not apply oregano oil directly on your skin, especially in case of irritation or sensitive skin.

Increased water intake

One of the main causes of folliculitis is a low immunity system. The best home remedy for getting rid of folliculitis is thus to simply increase your water intake as that will help your immune system work properly. Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every day to avoid any infections from occurring on your skin.

Essential oils

Monitored, regulated and regular use of essential oils can prove a great degree of help for getting rid of folliculitis induced inflammation and rashes on the surface of your skin and scalp. Rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, lavender, lemon, peppermint, bergamont, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil are some of the best natural essential oils. Be sure to mix essential oils in water before consuming. It is also equally essential to use this home remedy for getting rid of folliculitis at least three to four times every day. The effects of using essential oils to cure folliculitis naturally will start to show one week after you start using it.


One of the central reasons for any disease (and especially skin disease) is the lack of cleanliness in the surroundings of an individual. Be sure to wear clean clothes, change your bed sheets regularly, consume clean food and water as there is no home remedy better than cleanliness for getting rid of skin diseases like folliculitis.

Hot water compress

The moist heat that is emanated from a hot water compress is considered one of the best home remedies for getting rid of folliculitis induced inflammation, rashes and swelling on the skin. Simply apply the hot water compress directly on the infected area of the skin and let it rest for at least 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure two to three times every day for maximum benefits. You can also use a clean towel by soaking it in some heated water applying this directly on your scalp to reduce irritation in scalp.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil contains antibacterial and antifungal as well as antiviral properties. Tea tree oil is thus considered one the best home remedies for getting rid of folliculitis, especially on the surface of the scalp. Simply apply tea tree oil on infected surfaces multiple times during a day. Please ensure to repeat the process of application every day if you want to get best and maximum effects out of following this home remedy for getting rid of folliculitis.

Castor oil

Castor oil contains certain properties that are best for scalp folliculitis and help reduce inflammation to a great degree. Simply take a few drops on castor oil and massage your scalp with it for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for best effects.

Folliculitis shampoo and soap (Antiseptic)

It is most essential to use an antiseptic soap and shampoo if you want to be able to cure folliculitis naturally. The soaps and shampoos that are usually available in the local market contain a high amount of chemicals that will only increase inflammation and the chances for more rashes and scars on your skin and scalp during folliculitis. Be sure to use a herbal or an antiseptic shampoo on your hair and scalp so that no added chemicals are induced inside your skin and your immunity system.


Folliculitis, if not taken care of in time can lead to loss of hair, incurable sores and other skin infections. Now, that is a scary situation we can all do without! With proper skin care and a clean hygienic lifestyle, you can reduce the risk of folliculitis. People suffering from diabetes, hepatitis, HIV, cancer or other chronic diseases are more susceptible to the condition and hence should stay extra careful.

Follow some of the steps given below to avoid folliculitis in an easy way:

  • Avoid hot tubs
  • Avoid shaving on pimples
  • Use clean towels
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing, so that there is no friction between your clothes and your skin
  • Keep your bed sheets clean
  • Drink warm water
  • Avoid using excessive makeup as cosmetics might contain chemicals which can prove harmful for your skin
  • Avoid using cosmetic massage oils on skin and scalp
  • Clean out the cuts, wounds, and stitches carefully so that they don’t spread to other parts
  • Use only anti-septic and anti-biotic lotions, soaps, and creams
  • Do not share your razor, towels and other personal items that lead to skin contact with others
  • Always apply some moisturizer after you shave
  • Avoid using public pools,  baths, and Jacuzzis

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