Home Beauty & Personal Care How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Faster Hair Growth – An...

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Faster Hair Growth – An Age Old Remedy

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Faster Hair Growth

Your appearance speaks volumes about your personality and a bald patch or frizzy hair can really be a bummer. If you have naturally lustrous and long hair, thank your stars! But not everyone is that lucky, weak brittle hair, hair loss, split ends and dull hair are among the common hair related problems among people, irrespective of their gender or geographical location. Having a healthy growth of hair is directly connected to your scalp, and apple cider vinegar is an evergreen home remedy for maintaining and bettering the quality of your hair.

Among the simplest and most effective home remedies for getting rid of dandruff and itching, apple cider vinegar also offers a number of other benefits. Read on to know more about the apple cider vinegar rinses and how ACV is good for your hair:

Why the hair problems?

Listed below are some of the main causes behind hair fall and dandruff:

  • Pollution and dust accumulation
  • The harmful chemicals in hair products
  • Hair colours and other artificial hair treatments
  • High iron content in water

ACV hair benefits – how is apple cider vinegar good for hair:

Apple cider vinegar is an age old remedy boosting hair growth and improving the quality of hair considerably. Listed below are some other hair benefits of ACV:

  • Curbs the bacterial growth in the scalp
  • Prevents dandruff and dry scalp
  • Controls lice growth
  • Cleanses the hair of dust, leaving it lustrous and healthy
  • An antiseptic that controls the growth of fungus blocking the hair follicles
  • Maintains the PH balance of the scalp, the active enzymes and malic acid also prevents infections
  • Rich in vitamins A,C,B1,B6, potassium, iron and other minerals, it provides hair with nutrition
  • The alkaline nature of ACV reduces itchiness

How to use apple cider vinegar for hair:

A natural and organic hair remedy, apple cider vinegar works on the scalp, keeping it clean and healthy. Mentioned below are some ways you can use apple cider vinegar at home:

Vinegar hair rinse

Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar regularly. Mix ¼ cup of ACV with ¾ cup of water. For best results rinse your hair with this mixture in between shampooing and conditioning. Doing this once or twice a week can reduce the flakiness and itching considerably

Apply ACV directly on scalp

Another way of using ACV is applying it directly onto the scalp. Massage your scalp gently with generous amounts of apple cider vinegar and leave it for about 3-5 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water, this cleanses your scalp of the dandruff and prevents fungal infection as well.

Spray it on the hair

You can also make a home-made hair spray using apple cider vinegar. Dilute the ACV by adding generous amounts of water, out it in a spray bottle and sprinkle this solution all over you hair. Let it rest for about 5 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly. Repeating the process regularly would rid your scalp of itchiness and dandruff

Use it as a conditioner

Instead of spending a fortune on artificial hair products, try apple cider vinegar for conditioning your hair. Mix it with some herbs and apply this ACV solution on the scalp after you shampoo your hair, leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it with water. For best results repeat this process every week.

Some easy apple cider vinegar rinses for hair:

Vinegar with water

One of the easiest home remedies for getting rid of itchy scalp is using diluted apple cider vinegar. Mix ½ cup of ACV with 2 cups of water and rinse your hair with this mixture after washing your hair. This prevents dandruff growth, keeping the scalp clean and moisturised.

Mix it with coconut oil

Mix equal parts of ACV and water, then soak your hair in this mixture. Allow your scalp to absorb this solution and then rinse your hair with shampoo. Then massage your hair with coconut oil to further moisturize and strengthen your hair. Leave it untouched for few minutes before rinsing it off with water and a mild shampoo. For best results repeat this once a week.

ACV and tea tree oil

Using a tea tree containing shampoo works wonders for your scalp, it effectively prevents infections and keeps your scalp hydrated and dandruff free. Massage your hair with diluted apple cider vinegar before shampooing it off. You can also mix a few drops of tea tree oil with ACV solution.

Olive oil and apple cider vinegar

Adding 3 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 2 tsp of honey and 3 to 4 tsp of soy or olive oil is a pretty effective mixture to prevent itchiness and maintain scalp health. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and microwave it for about 10 seconds. Apply this solution gently onto the scalp and then tie up your hair. Leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with shampoo.

Add some essentials scented oils to the mix

Adding a variety of scented oils such as rosemary, thyme, lavender etc. onto the ACV solution ensures faster hair growth. It even leaves a pleasant smell that lingers long after you’ve washed off the mixture. You can also use peppermint oil that has a cooling effect on the scalp.

Apple cider vinegar and herbs

Adding essential herbs such as dried sage, mint, parsley and rosemary with diluted ACV is an effective hair rinse for people suffering from itchy dry scalp. It moisturises the scalp and also fights the bacterial infection, opening the hair pores and triggering hair growth.

Apple cider vinegar and avocado

Adding some avocado pulp with diluted ACV is among the best home remedies for getting rid of dandruff. Massage your head with this mixture and rinse it off with water before you shampoo. It reduces the dryness and flakiness, keeping your hair soft, hydrated and moisturised.

ACV with honey and aloe vera

Mix ½ cup of diluted ACV with 3 tsp of aloe vera and 1 tsp of honey. Spray this onto the scalp and let it rest for 20 minutes then rinse it off with cold water. You can shampoo and condition your hair as well. Honey keeps your hair soft and manageable while aloe vera prevents dandruff

ACV with baking soda

Mix baking soda with water and make a paste like mixture, apply this paste on the hair and scalp, from the roots to the tips. Gently massage the mixture in circular motions onto your scalp. Wash it off with water before applying ACV and water solution, cover your scalp with this mixture let it rest for 5 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

ACV with beer

Beer is known to be one of the best home remedies for getting rid of dryness. It keeps the hair soft and lustrous; add some beer to the ACV mixture. You can even use a beer shampoo to rinse off the apple cider vinegar from the scalp. Easily available and convenient, beer boosts hair growth and keeps it shiny and healthy.

Some preventive measures:

Listed below are some precautions that you should keep in mind:

  • It is preferable that you use diluted ACV solution to a concentrated one
  • ACV has a strong odour that might not suit everyone
  • Don’t apply it on an oiled scalp
  • Use only organic, unfiltered ACV